General Info About OLT Auditions

Auditions are typically held on a Monday and a Tuesday evening, starting at 7:00 p.m or a Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. You do not have to attend both nights of auditions, but you are welcome to read both nights of auditions if you’d like. If callbacks are necessary, the director will schedule the date and time.

Audition appointments are not necessary unless you are unable to attend auditions on the regularly scheduled days and times. In that case, the Director may agree to schedule a separate audition appointment for you. This choice is entirely up to the Director.

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. You do not need to have prepared monologues. Copies of the scripts for the current season’s plays are available at the Downtown, Lacey, and Tumwater branches of the Timberland Library. You may ask for a copy of the script at the information desk. Scripts are only available for use at the library and may not be checked out.

Headshots and resumes are welcome at auditions, but are not necessary.

Rehearsals are typically Monday through Thursday. Additional rehearsals and/or the rehearsal schedule are at the Director’s discretion. Performances are typically Thursday through Sunday; Sunday is the only matinee.

Olympia Little Theatre is a community theater and you need not have any previous experience, just passion and commitment!


Audition Announcement for A Party to Murder

by Marcia Kash & Douglas E. Hughes
Directed by Dave Marsh
Dates & Times – March 9th 4-6pm
March 10th 6-8pm
Production Dates: May 9-25
Place – Olympia Little Theatre
Each role has 2 characters
CHARLES / KONRAD: A successful mystery novelist. English. Urbane, intelligent, well-bred. The ultimate host.
WILLY / ERNIE: Former football player, big, friendly, gregarious, good sense of humor. Around 40.
McKENZIE / EVELYN: Fashion model, late twenties, witty, extroverted, a tough exterior. She is Elwood’s girlfriend.
VALERIE / MRS. McKNIGHT: Early to mid-forties. Henri’s older sister. Smart, savvy. Used to getting her own way. Very well turned out.
HENRI / O’KARMA: (pronounced “Henry”) Late twenties. Valerie’s younger sister. Shy, easily intimidated. Dresses conservatively
ELWOOD / FATHER GERRY MERRYWEATHER: Powerful and he knows it. Mid-fifties, balding. Corporate CEO type. Confident, friendly
TIME: Present
PLACE: A cottage on an island, in the middle of a lake, somewhere in North America.
Copies of the script are available at the Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey Timerland Libraries.


Audition Scheduling

Audition announcements for our upcoming season will be posted here and to our Facebook page. Stay tuned for more information!



Copies of the scripts are on reserve at the Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater branches of the Timberland Library.